My Friends' Blogs

Monday, January 4, 2021

A Teachers Must; Padlet!


Hello everyone!

Padlet is a virtual board where users can interactively add text, visuals, videos etc. It can be used by students and by teachers. The students and teachers can add posts, images etc. to the dashboard as they wish and edit them whenever they want. Also, teachers can do all of these interactively with their students. They just have to give the Padlet link to their board. Padlet allows everyone to insert ideas anonymously or with your name. It's also an useful tool that can be used in foreign language learning education. For example, teachers can make dashboards with the titles "writing", "listening", "speaking" etc. and they can add to these dashboards the necessary information about these courses for their students and students can follow their teachers from there. Teachers can also ask questions on their dashboards, our teacher did it and it was fun. The students can enter the link given by the teacher and write the answers to the questions. This would be more fun for them and the information could enter their minds easier.

  • Here is my mini dashboard that I created on Padlet:

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